rtp001 Adam Broomberg

Show notes

Artist talks to artist. Andy Scholz talks to Adam Broomberg.

Adam Broomberg. Artist, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Quotes from the podcast:

»Photography has something to do with all of us.«

»I have always been intrigued by the darker side of images.«

»Photography is a brilliant lens to engage the world with, to analyse the world with and to critique it.«

»At one point I put the camera down. I stopped taking pictures. Because it became apparent to me that it was morally untennebal.«

»Lerski said: A photograph is just skin on bone, nothing more.«

»When I teach I think I am being taught.«

»Its about the inherent toxitiy of photography.«

»People are aware of the power of images.«

»This idea of consent is an interesting one for me.«

»Copyright is a very outdated idea of a contract.«

»Now there are tools who have the potential to invert or at least equalize the unequal power dynamic that exist in every photograph.«

»It's about empowering people who are imaged, who are photographed.«

»With children it is important to let the conversation open.«

»Photography is all-pervasive.«

Adam Broomberg was born in Johannesburg in 1970. He is an artist, activist and educator. He currently lives and works in Berlin and teaches as a professor of photography at the »Hochschule für bildende Künste (HFBK)« in Hamburg and at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Invited and curated by Pola Sierverding and Asya Yaghmurian, Adam Broomberg showed his work »Glitter in my Wounds« from 2021, inspired by Hilmar Lerski's 1936 work »Metamorphosis of Light«, as part of the »düsseldorf photo+« festival.





Episode Cover Design: Andy Scholz Episoden Cover Photo: private

Idea, production, editing, moderation, sound, music, design: Andy Scholz

The podcast is a production of STUDIO ANDY SCHOLZ 2023.

Andy Scholz was born in 1971 in Varel, Germany. He studied philosophy and media studies in Düsseldorf, art and design at the HBK Braunschweig and photography/phototheory in Essen at the Folkwang University of the Arts. Since 2005, he has been a freelance artist, author, and artistic director and curator of the »International Festival of Photographic Images«, which he founded together with Martin Rosner in Regensburg in 2016. Since October 2022, the German Photo Book Award has been part of the festival. Since 2012, he has taught at various institutes, including the University of Regensburg, Würzburg University of Applied Sciences, North Dakota State University in Fargo (USA), Philipps University in Marburg, Ruhr University in Bochum, and since 2022 also at the University of Education in Ludwigsburg. He lives and works in Essen.





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